FBCW provides a biblically rooted, gospel-centered, safe, and fun children’s ministry that comes alongside the parents to invest in the spiritual lives of children. From apologetics bible lessons to activities, the children’s ministry at FBCW is aimed at reaching children with the love and gospel of Jesus.
Children’s Ministry:
9 am (babies-5th Grade)
10 am (babies-Preschool)
*The first three Sundays of the month, classes are offered during Worship Service (10 am) for students in grades K-5.
Visit our safe and convenient Child-Check-In Stations to check in and for resources.
Additional Resources
There are so many resources out there for kids and parents alike from which to learn and grow in Christ. We have gathered some helpful resources below for you. We provide updates throughout the week on our Facebook page that coincide with the weekly lesson and for every day life. Also, visit the church resource library for more resources available in print and digital media.
- Answers in Genesis: https://answersingenesis.org
- This is the organization from which our materials for First Kids comes. The main website offers a variety of information for kids and parents.
- The “Kids” section is also usable by children so that they can learn and explore on their own or with guidance.
- The Parent Cue: https://theparentcue.org
- This website has a wide variety of resources from a blog, podcasts, and store. From here, you can also access their app. This app is customizable to your family to give you tips and inspiration throughout their life.
- Focus on the Family: https://www.focusonthefamily.com/parenting/
- Many may already be familiar with this site. Here you will find numerous recourses, including podcasts. Some of you may remember “Adventures in Odyssey”. That is now available as a podcast.
- Fierce Parenting: https://fierceparenting.com
- This website is currently comprised of articles and resources, but they will soon be launching a podcast.
- This family also has a website and podcast dedicated for resources on marriage. https://fiercemarriage.com
- Parenting on Purpose: http://parentingonpurpose.org
- This is a podcast only. However, the website does provide a glimpse into each of the episodes and provides a way to listen from their website.
- RightNow Media: http://fbcwoodlawn.org/rightnow-media/
- Our FREE gift to you is a subscription to RightNow Media. RightNow Media has been called “The Netflix of Christian Media.” With over 20,000 videos available, RightNow Media contains material for your whole family, as well as training material for church leaders and members. Did we mention that it’s FREE?
- For your personal FREE subscription text “Woodlawn” to 49775
- You can also send an email to pastor Brian Fuller and request an email link to subscribe.
Contact Crystal Elliston for more information crystal@fbcwoodlawn.org